We Need Social Producers: Catalysts for Conversations, Info & ROI

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This wonderful piece was written by Brian Solis and as always, he captured the essence of what’s needed to move your content to the next level, where your audience becomes an active participant. This is where relationships and communities are built, brand advocates, word of mouth and commerce follows if this is done right.


Here’s what caught my attention:


Social Producers are the new storytellers


**To thrive in social, mobile and new media in general, we need much more than content producers, we need a new breed of designers that grasp the elements of online sharing and have mastered the ART of social media


**They know how to  trigger desirable (and social) actions, reactions and transactions


**A new genre of social producers are taking aim at developing content strategies that are not only consumable, they’re shareable, actionable and act as catalysts or sparks for relevant conversations.


**These social producers are in fact masters of their domains and understand the culture and the laws of information commerce within each


The difference between Social Producers and traditional content creators is they begin with social outcomes


**they understand the relationship between cause and effect and they bake-in conversation starters related to an integrated and business-focused strategy


**Social producers think about the overall experience and the effect where a social object is at the center of the dialog and interaction they envision….within each network


**The overall story and outcome defines the nature of the social object.




**Beyond shareability, the social producers also think about resonance. Conversations on social networks move quickly.

**What was trending an hour ago gives way to  the next social object that captures everyone’s attention until that too is replaced by the next shiny object and so on.

**Resonance is a technique that allows a social object to enjoy a greater lifespan and continue to swim upstream while other content strategies wash away in real-time.

**As you think about your content strategy for social networks, do so from the perspective of a social producer.


**While the social effect is certainly a goal, the social effect is also the result of social design.


**In the end, people are going to talk, so give them something to talk about!


Reviewed by Jan Gordon covering, “Curation, Social Business and Beyond”


Read full article here: [


See on www.briansolis.com

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